Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ring Pops

A couple Sundays ago in Relief Society they passed out this little saying and gave us ring pop candies. I am still a little unsure what the ring pop had to do with it, but whatever. Anyhow as a drove home from church I was super hungry and could not wait the whole 5 minute drive to eat when I got home so I decided to eat the ring pop. I am sure the pure sugar will cure my hunger. Haha. Anyhow I haven’t eaten on of these since I was a kid and this was the initial face I made….they were a lot smaller than I remembered.

I don’t think there could possibly be a more awkward candy on the face of this planet to eat. Seriously the actual candy part is so short it feels awkward in your mouth, then if you put the stupid thing on your finger you end up getting all sticky, and lastly, if you try to put the whole thing in your mouth, it’s all awky like this……

Needless to say, I am reminded why I never eat this candy. I ended up throwing it away because I was so annoyed at it.

*Note pictures were taken when I was stopped, not driving. Haha

1 comment:

  1. hahaha you are way to funny. I definitely love the awkward faces you make.
