Thursday, September 13, 2012

Neglect...and Summer

Dear Blog,
I know you have felt neglected over the past 6 months  I would too if I was in your position. I promise I have been thinking much about you, in fact I had even wrote a nice long note, then the pompy compy decided to do a little update a –roo and decided not to save it. I promise I will work on this madness, and be better.

Anyhow back on the ranch. I can’t believe summer is already over. I even woke up and pull the covers over my face this morning because I slept with the window open and my nose was so chilly. Frowny face on that one. Anyhow here is a very brief update of my summer.

Sold apartment kind of on accident and decided to move back to Boise.

Attended my first official PTE Summer Conference.

Went to Spokane to visit family.

Brought back an abandoned kitten…turns out he is a clepto. Haha. (Cher got sick and we had to get rid of him:(

Next weekend went to Utah to visit some old roomies.

Had an enjoyable 4th of July in Boise (which included a very interesting liberal parade. :/)

Two days later left for my first trip to Florida.

Spent a week in Florida, got sick, went to Disneyworld, enjoyed the nice
beach, had some swollen ankles all week, and of course went shopping.
Came back to Idaho to proceed to catch a flight to Denver 14 hours later.

Spent a week in Denver at Culinary training. So fun…and exhausting.

Went to my first Rockies Game…and it was POURING rain.

Come home to find out my parents are moving.

Had a birthday… yuck I sound so old now. Haha.

Go to Pocatello to look from them a house…oh ya and stop by Twin to find me one.

Move all my junk. Haha

Go back to Boise, for several days to help my parents pack.

Took Kristy,and Natasha on their first (and probably last) very eventful float trip down the river.

Wento to Starlight Theater and saw Legally Blonde with the fam.

Sat through two very long boring days of assessment training.

Went the Spirit of Boise hot air balloon festival. So fun.

Now back to school. 

That pretty much sums everything up in short terms. Basically it was a super busy summer, with lots of traveling and not a lot of studying as I had planned. Haha.