Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunny meets Cher

Yes folks that is correct, Sunny and Cher have been reunited once again. I know you thought it would never happen (considering one of them is dead) but they have found each other. Since high school my sister Mallory started calling me Sunny. The name seemed to stick and a lot of people call me it. (I sometimes wonder if they even know my real name haha). Well on Monday one of my students came in holding this precious little number....

Okay seriously how could you not resist that cuteness. It was instant love at first sight. Well the student had brought it for me (not even knowing if I liked cats,) started as a joke but then really didnt want her back. So needless to say this was the moment Sunny and Cher were reunited. That is right this little chica got blessed with a name like Cher. Now normally it takes a strong sole to pull off the name Cher, but SHE can sure rock it. haha it totally fits her personality. I snuck her into my apartment, I am not allowed to have to pets (shh dont tell.) She is so funny, she loves to lay on my chest or right by my head at all times. Her newest thing is while I am sleeping she will slowly crawl up to me and prance on my face to startle me. haha. She follows me around the house, when I am there. I leave the music on during the day, to drown out any noise she makes. She is so fun, I love coming home and having her get excited to see me.

I have also discovered she loves Gilmore Girls and has discovered the mirror, she truely is a girl of my own heart, even if I fear everyday that you will cause me to come home to find all of my belongings on the front lawn. haha

Oh little Cher, how I already love you and it has only been 4 simple days. Please stay little forever.

P.S. I sure hope my roommate isn't allergic, but when you have lived there a month and half and only stayed one night I am not to worried about it.

Monday, October 10, 2011

P.T. Conference and date books....

Am I supposed to be posting a blog… probably not. So what am I supposed to be doing, well I can think of about a million and a half other things I should be doing right now… Like grading papers, or creating a new bulletin board, or perhaps even conversing with parent. That is right folks; here I sit at these blasted parent teacher conferences. Not only do I teach some of the most controversial material allowed to be taught in schools, I have to tell the parents what the devil I teach about, and so it would happen that Child Development is in the middle of the most awkward unit of them all, human reproduction, contraceptives, and std’s. Oh how I love my job…. Actually I really do, I just don’t love parent teacher conferences, I think they are awkward and pointless. Yet you better believe I am going to be one of those parents that show up to every teacher, every year… probably just so I give the teacher something to do…instead of posting on a blog. Haha.

On second thought, I am still enjoying my job, it is so fun. I get asked A LOT of very…..interesting questions about everything imaginable, and it completely blows my mind where they come up with this stuff. I like being the teacher that is very open about issues, and in all actually I am glad students feel comfortable asking these bizarre questions. I love Adult Living…it is so fun to teach, and it is a little bit of everything, which seems to fit my personality the best. We are in the middle of our dating unit, and I came up with this idea to have the students create a children’s ABC book of dating ideas. So basically they had to come up with a date for every letter of the alphabet. I got bored on Saturday and decided I wanted to make one too, because the students were having so much fun with it. Haha. So here is a picture of my book…don’t laugh at my drawings, clearly I am no artist. I am not done with it yet, I still need to add the words. This page will be A is for visiting an Animal shelter, B is for a bicycle ride. I made it so I can have an example to show the students when I teach this again. Haha I lead such a boring life… I get excitement about creating a book of dates.

Second thought.... Because we have to sit here for two evenings they are letting us out of school all day friday!!! I can't wait! I am going to go up to Boise for the weekend... I sure do miss that place. It probably doesn't help how close it is and that I have had to go up there so much for conferences and such, but I really do miss it. As interesting as it is, I miss it more now, than I ever did in college. I think because I knew it wasn't permanant in college, but now the feeling is a lot more permanant here. I cant wait.... and I cant even begin to tell you how much I love the FALL. I love the leaves changing, and the ability to wear sweaters, and scarves and boots, which all make me very happy. haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pretty much.....

Pretty much, I am dead to the world... yes that is very much a true statement. In all reality I feel as though I am already becoming a zombie to the world. I don't have the Internet in my apartment, or TV, so the only socialization I have to the world is my cell phone, which is pretty much always in my office at school, so that is useless too. You might ask then how are you in the internet now, typing this post? Good question.... well I am still at school, yes it is 8:00 at night, well it happens sometimes. haha. And technically I am waiting for a load of towels from the kitchens to be done washing so they don't sit in the washer all night.
All I do is go to school, come home and sleep... and occasionally watch an episode of Gilmore Girls. I am really loving my new apartment, even though I am hardly ever there. It is nice to come home too... even though I still haven't hung pictures on the wall. Whatev. haha.
School is going well... my classes are all really well behaved and even though we have only been in school a week, I think it will be a good trimester, even if I feel like I am chicken running around with my head cut off all the time. Okay I know that this was a super boring post... but the buzzer went off, time to go home to more school work. Peace and blessings.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Guess how awesome I am....

60 wood pencils
17 mechanical pencils
1 Spiral Notebook
2 reusable shopping bags
44 pens
1 Pencil pouch
7 Sharpies
4 Glue sticks
2 White outs
1 Dry erase marker
1 pack paper clips
1 pack rubber bands
1 Past due stamp
2 Highlighters
1 Pop-up tape dispenser
1 Large easer
12 cap easers
1 Post-it note pad
5 Post-it flags
1 Pack file label stickers
1 Pack NoteTabs
2 boxes crayons
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 advisers guide to student activities
10 pocket folders
6 bubble mailers
1 pack mini stickers

This is how awesome I am!! Look at all this goodness. The best thing about being a teacher is SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I know that doesn’t sound like much to most people but there is some sort of enjoyment to me about getting school supplies. I think it is the thought of getting to get to use that new pen or something. I know weird. Haha. Anyway the office supply stores usually do a teachers appreciation day, so we hit up two of the three different stores in Boise. I got a whole loot of free stuff. I did purchase a few things before the matter, but got them at great prices. So all of this plus a couple things that I forgot to put in the picture (they are listed) cost a grand total of $7.58. That is right folks $7.58. Isn’t that amazing!!!! I am pretty stoked about it. I know I am pathetic that I would get excited about this.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick Update

Well it has been an eventful few weeks for me. I moved all my stuff into my apartment, which was the first time I had ever seen it, including no pictures. But turns out it was a great find on my part. It is so upscale feeling, I even get to buzz people into the building that is how cool I am. It feels more like a hotel than a apartment complex. Eek I can't wait to put pictures up, but I came back to Boise for a few days. It is still a little plain right now, but give it a little time and it will be amazing. Plus I have a spare bedroom, so you are all welcome to come and stay... that just means the people in Boise coming down to the temple now have another reason to visit.:)

I have also been working in my classroom a little bit... I am so grateful for my mom being there to help me because it is very overwhelming. The problem is that the teacher that was there before me was there for so long that there is just so much to go go through. She also has like a million, jillion tables, desks, shelves, anything else you can think of in the room and the room is not big at all. I definitely have my work cut out for me there.

My eye surgery went fantastic, I really didn't get nervous until I was basically laying on the table and there was no turning back. Literally the scariest moment of my entire life was the point when you black out for a about a minute, it is hard to explain but really you wonder if you will ever see again. I came home and basically slept until Saturday. haha, well I woke up for dinner. In reality it was a fantastic decision. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has even considered it. The brief ten minutes of fearing your life is worth not ever having to worry about contacts again.

Okay I know I am boring, but I promise life will soon get interesting... well at least there will be pictures sometime:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 Favorites

This week I have been working on two of my favorite things... Crafting and organizing. These things are a little obsessive in my life, I love going into craft stores, I just don't feel like I have time to work on projects as much as I would like. I bought this kit at a craft store a few months ago, I just had a hard time finding the right paper for it. I made it for my mom and she wanted it in black and white, I just had a hard time finding white paper that had some design on it. Weird I know, but seriously I had to go to three different craft stores and ended up using gray tones as well.
I love the way it turned out, it was also my first attempt at vinyl, only the Y went a little kattywompus (is that even a word?). I think I am going to add a few more decals to it, like on the top of the M. This picture isn't great, but it gives you the idea.

I think the "F" was my favorite, and I thought that I would hate that one, I was just trying to find paper to work. haha

My next favorite-ORGANIZING

You wouldn't guess it by the looks of my room right now... but hey I am in the middle of packing and going through things, but I love to organize. I love to arrange and make things like presentable. My closet is always color coded, movies always alphabetized... I cant believe that I admitting this on here, but when I eat multicolored food (like skittles) I have to eat them in color order of the rainbow. Okay a little obsessive I know. This week my mom and I decided to reorganize the pantry. We have done this before, but it got messed up again (she is way to similar to me) I don't have any pictures before but here is how it looks now.

I love these, organizers, best idea ever!!

This was a new idea we had, to get little baskets to help organize, this one is full of baking supplies like vanilla, and baking powder, so that when we bake, just pull it right out and ready to go. We have one with pastas and one with crackers and easy snacks like popcorn.

Yes its turn even the cereal is alphabetized!! haha. Isn't life so much better when it was organized!! I love it!

On other note I am going under the knife tomorrow... well actually the laser. I am having laser eye surgery. I am so excited, the nerves haven't set in yet. it isn't even that my eye sight is that bad at all, but it is kind of a little present to myself... I don't really know why I needed a present, but that is how I justified it.

Oh and I found an apartment in Twin Falls. I went out on a limb and signed the lease without even seeing... okay I haven't even seen pictures of it. Brave I know, but it seems good, and the manager has reassured me that it is a great apartment. Yeah, it is finally starting to set in, now I should work on lesson planning... haha ya right.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh gee... 23

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be 23. I always thought that it would be the perfect age, old enough to be respected like an adult, but still young enough to enjoy still being young. I have wanted this up until about a month before I turned 23. I am not really sure why, but suddenly I started completely dreading it (as if that is going to stop it anyway). Well the inevitable happened and my birthday rolled around. So this is how the course of my day went down.

1. I got to sleep in until 8:30. That was pretty much amazing in its self.

2. I went over to the Sherrill's house to babysit, as I do everyday and the boys surprised me with this bag of chocolate and potted flower. It was so sweet, I didn't even know they knew it was my birthday. That definitely made my day.

3. Owen, Braden and I went to the park and had a little picnic. Seriously who could resist those faces, so stinkin cute.

4. After I got home, my parents took me to this lovely little place. YUM. I got coconut shrimp (my favorite and crab. Seriously so worth it.

5. After dinner mom had to stop by Fred Meyer to pick up something, and I found this cute little number for a hat. Even better it was on clearance! Yes my favorite type of deal. haha. I came home and the parental units gave me a new straightener for my hair, and a camelbak water backpack which I have wanted for a while. I am so excited to go and use it. Then I got to talk to my Megs for a whole hour that night, which we haven't got to do for a while because of dumb school.

Turns out this was a pretty good birthday. I think I might enjoy being 23 after all.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Home Alone

Speaking of Home Alone, the famous Home Alone house is for sale outside of Chicago. It is only 2.4 million... I am pretty sure that is in my budget. haha.

Back to the point, I am home alone for the weekend, its 1 am and I can't sleep. It is not because no one is here, but usually when I cant sleep Hailee is at least here to talk to me from her room, or even occasionally when I am feeling nice I let her come and sleep in my bed.

I think I just have too much one my mind, so what better way to clear my mind than to blog. I am infamously known for my lists (just ask Mallory- she always finds them everywhere) so here is the list on my mind right now.

1. I feel bad that I missed Brockton's graduation tonight.
2. I really need to find an apartment in Twin. (moving in a month and nowhere to live)
3. I really should start planning some lessons.
4. I am in the mood to go running.
5. I haven't done enough service lately, maybe I should work on that.
6. I have a hankering to travel-I just need someplace to go.
7. I really hope I can find a different size in those cute little yellow shoes I bought in Cali.
8. I wonder how my twiner Jessica is doing-haven't talked to her in a while.
9. Why are the neighbors outside being so loud?

Wow it is amazing how random my thoughts can be when you just start typing them out. Now that you all have been inside my head a little baby bit I wouldn't recommend going back, it seems a little dangerous like a jungle in there. You just never know what is coming next. Now my life makes a little more sense why I am the way I am. haha.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

California Recap

California dreaming....

We (as in Hailee, mom and bunch of MVHS girls and I) went down to California for the FCCLA National Leadership Conference. Even though we went to some meeting and heard from some great speakers we also got to play a a lot too. Here are some of the adventures we went on.


Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE the beach, I love summer, I love warm weather, and love water and what a perfect combo at the beach. That could be why I am so happy in this picture. haha.

We built these sand castles, okay not really but they were just on the beach, there was probably a dozen or so, but they were so cool and amazing.

We dipped our toes in the water.

We walked down to this little Pier here, it was quite a ways down, but worth it.


Disneyland- is suppose to be the happiest place on earth right. Well basically it was. We had so much fun, luckily we had 3 day passes so we didn't have to stay all day. This was Hailee and I first time going to Disneyland, and hopefully not the last.

We saw Princesses. The first Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty we saw were walking away and we were following, they were a little mean. Then we saw this Cinderella later and she was much nicer. When we saw Ariel we followed for a second, and we were first in line to get pictures.

We went through Mickey Mouses house.


We went on the tea-cup ride. It kind of makes you dizzy, but for some reason you feel like you have to go on it when you go to Disneyland.

We met the future Princesses of Disneyland (they think haha).

We went on lots of fun rides while at Disneyland, my favorites included Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, and surprisingly Its a Small World. I pretty much just love our faces in these pictures.

These were the fireworks over Disneyland. They were taken from MY HOTEL ROOM. Seriously having a Disney view was the best thing ever, considering how much I love fireworks. What a great way to end the day.

Dinner Cruise

My incredible mother set an incredible dinner cruise for us to go on one night. It was so nice to get away from meetings for an evening. We enjoyed sea food, pretty views and nice weather. Best idea ever!

Lastly it is a tradition to trade pins with all the different states while at the National Conference. LOOK at all of these little buggers I got. I was really excited about it doing it, probably more than the students. haha.

My favorite was the Florida one for a couple reasons A-that is where the National Conference will be held next year, and B-look at the arrow, it is pointing to the the last space shuttle to take off there. Plus out of every ones I saw from Florida, it was the only on to look like this.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two Discoveries.....

I found two things that I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend so I thought I would share them. The first is this artist that goes to BYU. His really is an incredible singer/songwriter. Here is a link to one of the songs that I enjoy.

The second was this article that I found by John Reynolds about the Broadway play the Book of Mormon, and well Mormonism in general. Mr. Reynolds is not LDS but sure makes you think twice about a few things. It really is a great piece. I really don't think it could have been said any better.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh Rexburg what bitter-sweet memories you are to me. I had the opportunity to go and visit this weekend and even though it has only been six months since I have been gone so much has change in Rexburg. They have demolished several houses and buildings, and build new apartment complexes. I am not sure why but there is something about Rexburg that you hate while you are there, but miss when you are gone. Things I miss most about Rexburg include:

1. Roommates: Seriously who else can you get to build a fort with you in the living room and actually sleep in it, or playing dress up, or any other crazy idea I have.... and believe me I have plenty.

2. Places that are unique to Rexburg, like Mill-Hollow.

3. Sister Lammons- She was my mentor through college, pretty much the only reason I made it through. She is so incredible, I think I had 6 classes from her, but she was mush more than a teacher to me.

4. Riding my bike- I know I can do that in Boise, but its not the same, you actually have to watch out for cars here, and there is just something about those country roads.

5. Taking Walks- Katie and I used to go out walking all the time and seriously end up in crazy places (like old buildings, or follow the railroad tracks) It was nice to just get out and not stress.

6. Snoasis- Okay seriously these are the worlds best sno-cones no doubt. Plus you can put ice cream on the bottom (Yum) and they are super cheap! Love it.

7. FCS girls- I miss my FCS girls, they are all so wonderful and share my same interests hence the same major. haha. I really do miss seeing them though.

8. Thursday nights- Megan and I had a tradition that on Thursday nights we would go get pizza and Horkleys and watch some TV show on hulu. It was kinda just our time together.

9. The temple- I loved being able to see the temple for miles and it is probably the only temple that they turn you away from because they are too full.

Like I said Rexburg was a bitter-sweet memory, things that I don't miss about Rexburg include:

1. The roads- seriously those things are ridiculous, there is so many potholes you feel like you are on a rollarcoaster.

2. Judgment- I know this sounds a little weird, but because there is such a strict dress code as BYU-Idaho you feel like you are constantly being judged, or worse not judging people on what they wear. Seriously you don't even try it just happens, and I hate that feeling.

3. Stress- I was always so stressed with homework, when I was up there I could see it in everyone up there, and yet I didn't have a care in the world. It was nice.

4. Roommates- I know I said I missed them, but there is a Strong part of me that sure doesn't either. I really did have my fair share of crazy roommates. Girls can be brutal!

5. Construction- as in road construction and campus construction. There is always a plenty of both of those going on.

6. High priced food- seriously food there costs so much more money, for instance bananas are 65 cents a pound, where in Boise they are about 40 cents.

7. Curfew-It is not even the matter that I ever stay out all that late, it is just a matter of knowing that I don't have to be home if I don't want ( it was a good excuse sometimes though to get out of things. ha ha)

8. Closing down the library- doing homework til way to late, and even being locked in the computer lab one night.

9. Clarke Building- actually I loved that building hence why all of my classes and both jobs were in there. I didn't like the testing center- the feeling of constantly being watched, or all the mothers that seem to flock to that building, seriously they all hang out there- what annoyed me more was when they would get angry there wasn't a feeding area in the bathroom. Seriously it is a school, not a church.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Years.....

Well June 5 is the date. On this very day five years ago I was graduating high school. It is amazing how fast time can fly, yet high school seems like so long ago at the exact same moment. I was flipping through some pictures today and my mother said I looked the exact same as I did in high school. I am not sure if that is a compliment or an insult. I think the only thing that has changed is my hair color....well I take that back it is fairly blonde right now like it was then.

I decided to go out and enjoy the nice weather today, so I took my journal and a blanket and enjoyed the sun. I decided to make a list of everything that I have accomplished in the last five years which includes-

  1. Starting College

  2. Only change majors once (I think that is an accomplishment)

  3. Graduating College

  4. Traveling to New York City, Washington DC (again), and Mt. Rushmore,

  5. Running my first 5k (I need to do that again)

  6. See a Broadway Musical

  7. Bought a bike (best decision ever. ha ha)

  8. Going camping, hiking, mountain biking, white water rafting and others, all in attempt to feel outdoorsie.

  9. Meeting pretty much the coolest people in the world and becoming immediate life long friends

  10. Becoming domestic (I have learned to cook, sew, decorate and scrapbook) which I all thought would never happen with me. ha ha

Even though I have accomplished some pretty cool things in the past five years I have decided to set some new goals for the next five years. Here is a few that I have come up with-

  1. Start a Career (well I suppose that will be accomplished this year)

  2. Go to Europe!

  3. Run a half marathon

  4. Travel to at least 5 new states

  5. Get my Cosmetologist licence.

  6. See a Broadway Musical on Broadway!

  7. Own a sweet sports car (I am thinking a Camero)

  8. I would really love to buy a house but that one is debatable if it happens in the next five years.

  9. Get my Graduate Degree

  10. Go to Niagara Falls

  11. Find a new mountain biking trail to conquer

So there it is, I know these don't seem like such a big deal, but at least it gives me something to look forward too. This is too the next five years being the best years o my life.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Feeling Domestic....

I have had several good friends get married in the past few months and I found these super cutes wooden letters and decided they were a must have! I decided to write out the word HOME for all of them, but decorated them all a little differently. Unfortunately I forgot my camera to take a picture of all the finished products, but I just wanted to show a few of the embellishments I added to them.

This one was for Brittany and Jason. The colors were greens, browns, and creams. This was on the M, it was green then I added a brown strip, and little green jewels.

This one was for Cassandra and Mike, and Cassandra loves red, so that was a must! It was red, black, silver. So cute!! I added ribbon around the O, and these cute little silver squares to the M and added red jewels.

This is the only picture I have of a completed one. It was for Andy and Lacy, and it was turquoise, black and cream. (You can see Brittany and Jason's above it a little bit.)

These were real simple to make too.... all you need is paper, letters, mod-podge, and most importantly a little creativity.

I seriously LOVE the way they turned out. I hope they enjoyed them too. Congrats to everyone on the marriage!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just a few thoughts.....

Okay I finally gave in and created a blog. Miss Katie Killpack has been trying to convince me for months that I needed a blog because I was too witty and ironic to not have one. Plus I always have these amazing insights and I never know who to share them with.... so I will share them with everyone.
So now my real thoughts.... a few months ago I was at a conference and we had this incredible motivational speaker, he challenged us to think of a theme song that describes our life. He gave us several examples of some celebrity ones that he had come up with. This is how he described it, "Imagine that everywhere you go out of nowhere suddenly YOUR song comes on... walking through the airport, and suddenly bam, Do-da-do, and everybody knows that is your song they are all thinking "oh man here comes Allison." It completely empowers you and gives you a whole new strength because everyone knows its you." Anyway I can't describe it the way he did, but my dilemma is that for the past two months I have been trying to come up with a song that describes me, and yet nothing seems to be fitting. If you have any suggestions please let me know. So what would your theme song be?? Choose wisely:)
Second thought-I love rain. It has rained more this year than pretty much ever, and yet I never get tired of hearing the rain beat against my windows. Is it weird that somehow I find rain comforting when it should be the opposite?