Monday, May 30, 2011

Feeling Domestic....

I have had several good friends get married in the past few months and I found these super cutes wooden letters and decided they were a must have! I decided to write out the word HOME for all of them, but decorated them all a little differently. Unfortunately I forgot my camera to take a picture of all the finished products, but I just wanted to show a few of the embellishments I added to them.

This one was for Brittany and Jason. The colors were greens, browns, and creams. This was on the M, it was green then I added a brown strip, and little green jewels.

This one was for Cassandra and Mike, and Cassandra loves red, so that was a must! It was red, black, silver. So cute!! I added ribbon around the O, and these cute little silver squares to the M and added red jewels.

This is the only picture I have of a completed one. It was for Andy and Lacy, and it was turquoise, black and cream. (You can see Brittany and Jason's above it a little bit.)

These were real simple to make too.... all you need is paper, letters, mod-podge, and most importantly a little creativity.

I seriously LOVE the way they turned out. I hope they enjoyed them too. Congrats to everyone on the marriage!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just a few thoughts.....

Okay I finally gave in and created a blog. Miss Katie Killpack has been trying to convince me for months that I needed a blog because I was too witty and ironic to not have one. Plus I always have these amazing insights and I never know who to share them with.... so I will share them with everyone.
So now my real thoughts.... a few months ago I was at a conference and we had this incredible motivational speaker, he challenged us to think of a theme song that describes our life. He gave us several examples of some celebrity ones that he had come up with. This is how he described it, "Imagine that everywhere you go out of nowhere suddenly YOUR song comes on... walking through the airport, and suddenly bam, Do-da-do, and everybody knows that is your song they are all thinking "oh man here comes Allison." It completely empowers you and gives you a whole new strength because everyone knows its you." Anyway I can't describe it the way he did, but my dilemma is that for the past two months I have been trying to come up with a song that describes me, and yet nothing seems to be fitting. If you have any suggestions please let me know. So what would your theme song be?? Choose wisely:)
Second thought-I love rain. It has rained more this year than pretty much ever, and yet I never get tired of hearing the rain beat against my windows. Is it weird that somehow I find rain comforting when it should be the opposite?