Monday, October 10, 2011

P.T. Conference and date books....

Am I supposed to be posting a blog… probably not. So what am I supposed to be doing, well I can think of about a million and a half other things I should be doing right now… Like grading papers, or creating a new bulletin board, or perhaps even conversing with parent. That is right folks; here I sit at these blasted parent teacher conferences. Not only do I teach some of the most controversial material allowed to be taught in schools, I have to tell the parents what the devil I teach about, and so it would happen that Child Development is in the middle of the most awkward unit of them all, human reproduction, contraceptives, and std’s. Oh how I love my job…. Actually I really do, I just don’t love parent teacher conferences, I think they are awkward and pointless. Yet you better believe I am going to be one of those parents that show up to every teacher, every year… probably just so I give the teacher something to do…instead of posting on a blog. Haha.

On second thought, I am still enjoying my job, it is so fun. I get asked A LOT of very…..interesting questions about everything imaginable, and it completely blows my mind where they come up with this stuff. I like being the teacher that is very open about issues, and in all actually I am glad students feel comfortable asking these bizarre questions. I love Adult Living…it is so fun to teach, and it is a little bit of everything, which seems to fit my personality the best. We are in the middle of our dating unit, and I came up with this idea to have the students create a children’s ABC book of dating ideas. So basically they had to come up with a date for every letter of the alphabet. I got bored on Saturday and decided I wanted to make one too, because the students were having so much fun with it. Haha. So here is a picture of my book…don’t laugh at my drawings, clearly I am no artist. I am not done with it yet, I still need to add the words. This page will be A is for visiting an Animal shelter, B is for a bicycle ride. I made it so I can have an example to show the students when I teach this again. Haha I lead such a boring life… I get excitement about creating a book of dates.

Second thought.... Because we have to sit here for two evenings they are letting us out of school all day friday!!! I can't wait! I am going to go up to Boise for the weekend... I sure do miss that place. It probably doesn't help how close it is and that I have had to go up there so much for conferences and such, but I really do miss it. As interesting as it is, I miss it more now, than I ever did in college. I think because I knew it wasn't permanant in college, but now the feeling is a lot more permanant here. I cant wait.... and I cant even begin to tell you how much I love the FALL. I love the leaves changing, and the ability to wear sweaters, and scarves and boots, which all make me very happy. haha.