Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunny meets Cher

Yes folks that is correct, Sunny and Cher have been reunited once again. I know you thought it would never happen (considering one of them is dead) but they have found each other. Since high school my sister Mallory started calling me Sunny. The name seemed to stick and a lot of people call me it. (I sometimes wonder if they even know my real name haha). Well on Monday one of my students came in holding this precious little number....

Okay seriously how could you not resist that cuteness. It was instant love at first sight. Well the student had brought it for me (not even knowing if I liked cats,) started as a joke but then really didnt want her back. So needless to say this was the moment Sunny and Cher were reunited. That is right this little chica got blessed with a name like Cher. Now normally it takes a strong sole to pull off the name Cher, but SHE can sure rock it. haha it totally fits her personality. I snuck her into my apartment, I am not allowed to have to pets (shh dont tell.) She is so funny, she loves to lay on my chest or right by my head at all times. Her newest thing is while I am sleeping she will slowly crawl up to me and prance on my face to startle me. haha. She follows me around the house, when I am there. I leave the music on during the day, to drown out any noise she makes. She is so fun, I love coming home and having her get excited to see me.

I have also discovered she loves Gilmore Girls and has discovered the mirror, she truely is a girl of my own heart, even if I fear everyday that you will cause me to come home to find all of my belongings on the front lawn. haha

Oh little Cher, how I already love you and it has only been 4 simple days. Please stay little forever.

P.S. I sure hope my roommate isn't allergic, but when you have lived there a month and half and only stayed one night I am not to worried about it.