Monday, August 29, 2011

Guess how awesome I am....

60 wood pencils
17 mechanical pencils
1 Spiral Notebook
2 reusable shopping bags
44 pens
1 Pencil pouch
7 Sharpies
4 Glue sticks
2 White outs
1 Dry erase marker
1 pack paper clips
1 pack rubber bands
1 Past due stamp
2 Highlighters
1 Pop-up tape dispenser
1 Large easer
12 cap easers
1 Post-it note pad
5 Post-it flags
1 Pack file label stickers
1 Pack NoteTabs
2 boxes crayons
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 advisers guide to student activities
10 pocket folders
6 bubble mailers
1 pack mini stickers

This is how awesome I am!! Look at all this goodness. The best thing about being a teacher is SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I know that doesn’t sound like much to most people but there is some sort of enjoyment to me about getting school supplies. I think it is the thought of getting to get to use that new pen or something. I know weird. Haha. Anyway the office supply stores usually do a teachers appreciation day, so we hit up two of the three different stores in Boise. I got a whole loot of free stuff. I did purchase a few things before the matter, but got them at great prices. So all of this plus a couple things that I forgot to put in the picture (they are listed) cost a grand total of $7.58. That is right folks $7.58. Isn’t that amazing!!!! I am pretty stoked about it. I know I am pathetic that I would get excited about this.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick Update

Well it has been an eventful few weeks for me. I moved all my stuff into my apartment, which was the first time I had ever seen it, including no pictures. But turns out it was a great find on my part. It is so upscale feeling, I even get to buzz people into the building that is how cool I am. It feels more like a hotel than a apartment complex. Eek I can't wait to put pictures up, but I came back to Boise for a few days. It is still a little plain right now, but give it a little time and it will be amazing. Plus I have a spare bedroom, so you are all welcome to come and stay... that just means the people in Boise coming down to the temple now have another reason to visit.:)

I have also been working in my classroom a little bit... I am so grateful for my mom being there to help me because it is very overwhelming. The problem is that the teacher that was there before me was there for so long that there is just so much to go go through. She also has like a million, jillion tables, desks, shelves, anything else you can think of in the room and the room is not big at all. I definitely have my work cut out for me there.

My eye surgery went fantastic, I really didn't get nervous until I was basically laying on the table and there was no turning back. Literally the scariest moment of my entire life was the point when you black out for a about a minute, it is hard to explain but really you wonder if you will ever see again. I came home and basically slept until Saturday. haha, well I woke up for dinner. In reality it was a fantastic decision. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has even considered it. The brief ten minutes of fearing your life is worth not ever having to worry about contacts again.

Okay I know I am boring, but I promise life will soon get interesting... well at least there will be pictures sometime:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 Favorites

This week I have been working on two of my favorite things... Crafting and organizing. These things are a little obsessive in my life, I love going into craft stores, I just don't feel like I have time to work on projects as much as I would like. I bought this kit at a craft store a few months ago, I just had a hard time finding the right paper for it. I made it for my mom and she wanted it in black and white, I just had a hard time finding white paper that had some design on it. Weird I know, but seriously I had to go to three different craft stores and ended up using gray tones as well.
I love the way it turned out, it was also my first attempt at vinyl, only the Y went a little kattywompus (is that even a word?). I think I am going to add a few more decals to it, like on the top of the M. This picture isn't great, but it gives you the idea.

I think the "F" was my favorite, and I thought that I would hate that one, I was just trying to find paper to work. haha

My next favorite-ORGANIZING

You wouldn't guess it by the looks of my room right now... but hey I am in the middle of packing and going through things, but I love to organize. I love to arrange and make things like presentable. My closet is always color coded, movies always alphabetized... I cant believe that I admitting this on here, but when I eat multicolored food (like skittles) I have to eat them in color order of the rainbow. Okay a little obsessive I know. This week my mom and I decided to reorganize the pantry. We have done this before, but it got messed up again (she is way to similar to me) I don't have any pictures before but here is how it looks now.

I love these, organizers, best idea ever!!

This was a new idea we had, to get little baskets to help organize, this one is full of baking supplies like vanilla, and baking powder, so that when we bake, just pull it right out and ready to go. We have one with pastas and one with crackers and easy snacks like popcorn.

Yes its turn even the cereal is alphabetized!! haha. Isn't life so much better when it was organized!! I love it!

On other note I am going under the knife tomorrow... well actually the laser. I am having laser eye surgery. I am so excited, the nerves haven't set in yet. it isn't even that my eye sight is that bad at all, but it is kind of a little present to myself... I don't really know why I needed a present, but that is how I justified it.

Oh and I found an apartment in Twin Falls. I went out on a limb and signed the lease without even seeing... okay I haven't even seen pictures of it. Brave I know, but it seems good, and the manager has reassured me that it is a great apartment. Yeah, it is finally starting to set in, now I should work on lesson planning... haha ya right.