Wednesday, November 21, 2012

99 ways to prove I am still breathing

The List-
This is probably going to seem long and boring, but I am mostly writing it for me. I have to put it on the internet, because that means it is forever and not going anywhere and that I actually have get to accomplish it all. I sat down and made my bucket list. It took me a long time to think of everything I wanted to do in life but here it is in no particular order….

1. Swim with dolphins
2. Ride in a private plane/helicopter.
3. Go whitewater rafting
4. Vacation at Martha Vineyard
5. Be in Time Square on New Year’s Eve.
6. Ride on a train.
7. Get my bachelor’s degree
8. Learn a new hobby
9. Completely finish sewing a quilt.
10. Go to the Galapagos Island.
11. See Niagara Falls.
12. Go to all 50 states (current count 24)
13. Get my master’s degree
14. Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Rome.
15. See the Eiffel Tower
16. Visit the Coliseum in Rome
17. Go to the Acropolis in Greece
18. Take a cruise.
19. Meet someone famous
20. Ride in a hot air balloon.
21. Build a house
22. Run a half marathon.
23. See the Macy’s day parade in NYC on Thanksgiving.
24. Go horseback riding along the beach
25. Visit the pyramids of Egypt.
26. Go to Disneyworld
27. Go Skydiving
28. Go parasailing
29. Go Scuba diving.
30. Attend an Olympic event
31. Get completely out of debt.
32. Get married in the temple.
33. Have a family
34. Complete a scrapbook
35. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef.
36. Attend a murder mystery dinner party
37. Be on a game show.
38. Learn to make Sushi.
39. Eat at a 5 star restaurant.
40. Ride an elephant.
41. Leave a $100 tip for a struggling waitress
42. Milk a cow
43. Go through a castle.
44. See Mount Rushmore.
45. See the Mona Lisa painting at the Louvre.
46. Go through every Smithsonian
47. See a play on Broadway in NYC.
48. Visit the Coney Island Boardwalk.
49. Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
50. Throw a dart at a map and go wherever it lands.
51. Write 5 things I am grateful for everyday for a year.
52. Send my parents on a vacation.
53. Go to Atlantis
54. Try a Baked Alaska dessert. (I even got them to light it twice for me. Haha)
55. Make a difference in at least one person’s life.
56. Go ice-skating at Rockefeller Center.
57. Own a 1964 ½ Mustang Convertible in powder blue.
58. Buy a piece of Tiffany & Co Jewelry
59. Help build a Habitat for Humanity home.
60. See the lighting of the National Christmas Tree
61. Donate a large sum of money to my alma mater.
62. Name a star
63. Take a stroll through Central Park.
64. Donate my hair to locks of love.
65. Adopt a child.
66. Write faithfully in my journal every week for a year.
67. Visit the four corners.
68. Fly first class.
69. See the Liberty Bell.
70. Feel completely fit.
71. Visit the Hershey Chocolate Factory
72. Go to Disneyland.
73. Visit Cape Cod
74. Build a dollhouse (think Gilmore Girls style)
75. Put a lock on Lovers Bridge in Paris.
76. Put my foot in every ocean.
77. Own a classic antique.
78. Work for /help start a non-profit organization.
79. Visit Waikiki beach.
80. Visit (possibly climb) Mt. Kilimanjaro.
81. Ride in a gondola in Venice Italy
82. Ride the world’s tallest roller coaster
83. Take a vacation with just my best friend
84. Spend time working with inner city kids.
85. Redesign an old house (like 50-100 years)
86. Have a water balloon paint war.
87. Go zip lining
88. Go cliff jumping
89. Visit Rio de Janeiro during carnival
90. Visit the Great Wall of China.
91. Go on a safari.
92. Go jet skiing (I honestly can’t believe I never have before)
93. Throw tea into the Boston Harbor (shh don’t tell)
94. Go snorkeling in a shipwreck.
95. Become a vegetarian ( I just want to try the lifestyle for a couple months to understand it better.)
96. See the Sydney Opera House, Australia
97. Visit The Taj Mahal, India
98. Ride in a cable car in San Fransico
99. Take a carriage ride around Central Park.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Color Run

The Color Run

I found out about the color run at least 6 months ago. I was even more beyond excited when I found out it was going to be in Boise. I watched the website all summer long waiting for the registration to be open. It was suppose to be in early August, but then it was suddenly taken off. I was beyond sad. But alas it was put back on, and it was the last weekend in October. Apparently these people have never been in Idaho in October…it was needless to say a little chilly. It was hard for me to get started running because it was so cold. Natasha and her family also ran in the color run, but she had hurt her back, and ended up having to walk it, so I went at my own pace…to be honest I probably would have anyway. I don’t really do all that well running with others. I had a goal to run it in 30 minutes…I honestly don’t know what my time was because it wasn’t even timed: ( who does that? Haha. At every kilometer in the run there was people there to throw a different color paint on you. Because it was a powdered paint, it was so enjoyable to run through the cloud of dust and get a mouthful of it while running. Haha. Honestly the pictures don’t do justice to show how dirty I was. It took a lot showering and scrubbing to get it off me, I cant even imagine how it was for some of the people that were really covered. Nick and Jaima and the boys came down and cheered me on. They showed up in perfect timing, minutes before I crossed the finish line. I had the boys help me throw my pack of powdered paint, and then they enjoyed running into the festival when everyone else threw theirs. Chic-a-Fila was gracious enough to give us free sandwiches after the race. Hooray! I love that place.
Nice and Clean Before

Good thing this was the happiest 5K on the planet, or I probably wouldnt have appreciated being so dirty. haha