Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reasons to own a toaster

Evidence A:Yes that would be my stove top, and yet you might wonder what that has to do with owning a toaster. Well let me tell you… So once upon a time I wanted toast, so I made some eggs and toast for Sunday breakfast. Since I don’t have a toaster I improvised and used the broil feature on my stove. That was all fine and dandy, and I sat down enjoying my breakfast. Well shortly after I kept hearing this popping noise. I thought maybe I left the oven on, so I went over to the oven and low and behold I actually left the stove top on, and had set the cookie sheet on top of it. Needless to say this was the result. The worst part is that it was touching the corner of the countertop and kinda burnt it. Needless to say it still didn’t prompt me to go buy a toaster… I do have a birthday coming up in 5 months. haha